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How to Use Free Standing Pull Up Bar?

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How to Use Free Standing Pull Up Bar?


The Free standing pull up bar and chin up bar are one of the most adaptable and effective pieces of home kit we can buy. It uses our own bodyweight to work a vast range of muscle groups in ways that are near impossible to replicate on regular gym equipment. The fact that we are hanging freely means that every move engages our core in order to stabilise our body. And the mixture of static muscle contractions with regular flexion and extension movements hits our muscle fibres from all angles.

Here are few exercise methods you can with pull up bar.

1. Standard pull up

Grab the Free standing pull up bar with a shoulder-width grip, palms facing you. Pull yourself up until your chin is level with the pull up bar, then slowly lower until your arms are fully wide extended. If you can't initially do complete pull-ups, work up to them using moves 3 and 4.

This classic grip hits both our biceps and forearms, as well as our back.

2. The climber pull up

Climb with a shoulder width grip, palms facing forwards, and pull your weight straight right up. Nearly the top half of the move, shift your weight to the left and aim your chin towards your left hand. Lower, and repeat to the right side.

This balances our bicep strength, so we avoid the Rafa Nadal effect.

3. Behind neck pull up

Grab the bar with a full wide grip, like your palms facing away from you. Bring your torso forwards slightly and pull your shoulders up towards the pull up bar until it grazes the back of your neck. Slowly return to the starting position.

Using this angle of attack increases the workload on our lats.

4. Gironda sternum pull up

Hold the pull up bar with your palms facing you and arch your back as you pull yourself upwards. Bring your head back and continue lifting until the bar touches your chest. Slowly reverse the initial movement.

By leaning back, we demand more power from our lats and less from our arms.

5. Negative pull ups

Stand on a chair and hold the pull up bar with a complete shoulder width grip, palms facing you. With patience, step off the chair and steadily lower yourself until your arms are fully extended. Release, and repeat the steps.

This move allows us to build the strength in preparation for a full pull-up, and works our forearms.

6. Band assisted pull-up

Secure a resistance band around the bar and place the other end around a knee or foot for extra assistance. Pull yourself up until your chin is level with the pull up bar, then slowly lower until your arms are extended and the resistance band is pulled tight.

This move can be used as the next step between negative pull-ups and full pull-ups.

Khanhtrinh is manufacturer and distributor of high quality home fitness equipment from last 8 years.

So if you are looking for Free standing pull up bar and chin up bar, contact us.

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